100 Best Kodi Addons

100 Best Kodi Addons You Must Know About

Do you know that everything you do in Kodi can be seen by your ISP (Internet Service Provider)?

In fact, almost everything you search online can be accessed easily.

Today, Internet providers collect all your personal information and share it with third parties.

However, there is a way to stop it!


You can use the VPN application to make sure that you use Kodi as securely as possible.

What is VPN?

VPN applications redirect all traffic through an encrypted tunnel. It makes your data unreadable for your ISP. In addition, the VPN receives a new IP address every time it connects to the Internet. It means that your presence on the Internet and your physical location are hidden. Check out our guide best VPNs for Kodi.

Finally, the VPN can prevent the spread of malware on the device and allow you to see previously restricted content.

What is Kodi?

Kodi is a fundamentally optimized media player with a very user-friendly interface – which improves with each update, and the current update of Kodi Krypton is even better.

Kodi is a free multimedia player with open source, available on many hardware platforms – from desktops to Smartphones. It was initially called XBMC.


Kodi Pros

  • This first-choice solution is completely free and flexible.
  • Incredible choice of accessories
  • Support for many devices
  • Infinitely customizable with open source
  • Dual external antenna for Wi-Fi reception
  • Wi-Fi 3 times faster
  • Internal space on the SATA hard disk
  • Includes mouse and air keyboard
  • The price is very competitive
  • See Ton of Content
  • Broadcast live performances

Kodi Cons

  • Unusual interface
  • Invalid control by keyboard and mouse
  • The operating system is slightly older
  • Basic security and privacy issues
  • Support only through the community forum
  • To ensure security and anonymity, everything requires a VPN

What is the Kodi Add-On?

If you use Kodi without add-ons, then you only get to enjoy the minor part of this universal media player.


The new update offers even more features for the media player. They allow you to enjoy everything from film to music on TV.

How to Install Kodi Add-On?

  • Add-ons installation can be performed from a Repository
  • The repository is a website that offers downloads
  • The correct URL for the Repository Web Address must be entered in Kodi for installation
  • Sometimes the heavy traffic slows down or fails the process
  • This page is regularly updated to get the best Repository Functional Add-Ons

Warning for all Kodi Add-Ons Users!

Before you start using Kodi add-ons, I want to warn you about everything that Kodi sends, apparently through your Internet provider and the government. It means that broadcast content protected by copyright (free movies, TV shows, sports) can lead to legal problems.

Kodi users should always use the VPN to protect their identity during the transmission.

100 Best Kodi Add-Ons

Here are 60 Best Kodi Add-Ons you may like and want to install right away:

Best Kodi Movies Add-Ons

  1. Crackle

It is a broadcast service that offers a wide selection of movies and Television Shows. It’s free and includes other famous names, such as “Underworld 2003”.

  1. FilmRise

It is an independent television programs and film’s Distributor. It has two additions:

  • FilmRise – Contain six television shows
  • FilmRise YouTube – It has its movies
  1. Movies and TV shows BigStar

BigStar Movies has a collection of foreign and award-winning independent films. The service is entirely legal and unlike the other online services in BigStar you do not need any credit card.

  1. SnagFilms

It offers a collection of independent films and documentaries. SnagFilms has more than 5000 free movies to watch, and they are all organized and displayed by genre.

  1. Golden Age

Do you miss good old movies? Now you can use the Kodi add-on to watch the film of the golden era. Fortunately, all the films offered by this service are available for free.

  1. Documented.HD

Documented.HD offers free documentation for HD quality. It is a source of high quality movies for those people who like learning when they are having fun.

Third Party Movies Add-Ons

  1. Exodus

It is an addition that offers movies on demand and a television program. It is most used external-party add-on, but it is no longer compatible with developers, so there is no guarantee that it will work in the near future.

Also, most developers who support Exodus have stopped developing this add-on. Some sources are still available, but they are probably not reliable.

  1. Supermacy

It is offers TV shows, live TV and movies; basically it is an all-in-one application. Unlike most broadcast accessories, it includes 4K content and 3D content. Since it is impossible to remove providers of illegal content from Supremacy, it is challenging to find relevant or public content under a license.

  1. Elysium

It was formerly known as Zen. Elysium collects links to movies and TV shows from several unauthorized websites. Although you have the option to disable some sources, but not a single one is legal. Therefore, the extension of Elysium is not suitable for most Kodi users.

  1. Genesis Reborn

It has an extensive library of films and Television shows, but few licensed contents.

  1. Gurzil

It is a complement to the addition of Exodus. It offers the similar content as Exodus, with the only distinction is that a new wolf theme appears.

  1. Bob Unleashed

It is another addition to television. In other words, it signals links from unauthorized sources and provides little or no legal content to Kodi users.

  1. Goodfellas 2.0

This add-on combines TV shows, movies and live broadcasts. Some of these sources are legal, but not the majority, which makes it a bad choice for users who are looking for a trustful and valid addition to the TV.

  1. Specto

It is a branch of the Genesis extension and has a same content library.

  1. Quasar

It is a Kodi add-on that combines the content of P2P networks. This add-on is riskier than traditional cross-referenced alternatives, as it allows other devices to access your computer. P2P networks are used mainly (but not exclusively) to share unlicensed content. Therefore Quasar is a bad option for people who want to see the content of official sources.

  1. Bubbles

This Add-on has a well-organized content library. Unfortunately, all your resources come from unofficial sources. Bubbles can also be configured to access point-to-point networks. It is another way for an attacker to gain access to your system. Therefore, it does not correspond to the majority of Kodi users.

  1. Streamhub

It is a universal add-on for Kodi. It is very similar to other third-party options mentioned above, but Streamhub provides additional channels for paying subscribers. Since the service is not official, this is a dangerous offer.

  1. SafeHouse Movies

This Add-on has a library of TV shows and movies.

  1. One Stop Films

It contains several films that are not only licensed but also recorded directly from the movie. There are much better official alternatives and highly recommended.

  1. Yes Movies

It is an addition that does not hide the illegality. It uses copyrighted images in its menu and even in its icon. Yes, Movies show most of the content at in 720p.

  1. Real Movies

It is a standard addition to third-party movies. Genre and video quality classify the content, but there is no name of a public domain or a corresponding license.

  1. 1Channel

It rips content from Primewire, one of the most significant unofficial streaming sites. 1Channel is compatible with an anonymous group of developers, which means that they are not on social networks. If 1Channel were hacked, it would be impossible to find out until the system is compromised, and that is why, we do not recommend using it.

  1. 123Movies

It provides unlimited access to copyrighted content and most of it in 720p transmissions.

  1. 1080p Movies

As expected, the Kodi Add-on 1080p movies contain movies, as well as a TV show. However, very few of its operators are licensed, except for public domain names such as Night of the Living Dead 1968. 1080p movies cannot specifically look for general content and do not benefit users of Kodi is not allowed.

  1. Supra-Box

This Add-on has links to movies, TV shows and sports programs. The content is poorly organized, and only a small part is appropriately licensed, which makes it unacceptable for most users.

  1. Fine and Dandy

This plug-in accumulates a multimedia library, extracting links from several unofficial transfer pages. It is designed for Kodi users who are not looking for official sources and which help them stand out from a large number of add-ons.

  1. Pyramid

It is an addition containing films and TV shows, as well as a selection of Kodi manuals. The Twitter site for developers freely announces that the application offers incomplete and hand-written copies of the transferred films.

  1. JAFMA

It has the same long start time as the addition of Fine and Dandy.

  1. Beau’s Place

It is a multifunctional addition that combines TV shows and movies

  1. Fear of dark

It is the massive library of horror films. Unfortunately, most of them are not allowed. Therefore, we do not recommend using it.

  1. Poseidon

It is another addition to movies and TV shows. The content is well grouped, and there are even playlists. However, Poseidon does not use official sources and does not correspond to the majority of Kodi users. Now the add-on of Poseidon is officially disabled.

  1. Incursion

Last month, a new addition appeared, Kodi Incursion – one of the many Covenant clones that appear. As with the Covenant, Incursion uses unauthorized third-party channels that are transmitted directly to Kodi for easy viewing. The flight is now gaining popularity for two reasons:

It is based on the Covenant architecture

Solves some of the problems that many Covenant users face

Since this supplement does not use any official sources for transmission, we do not recommend using it.

  1. Placenta

It is a new branch of the Exodus. In addition to the name, there is not much difference between the superstructure and the intrusion. This addition comes from the same source as Neptune Rising, although this is a separate addition. We highly recommend that you do not use this add-on.

  1. Oculus

It is a new addition to the new third-party repository. It mostly depends on the information received from TDMB, an IMDB competitor. But when it comes to the source of content, most movies and TV shows come directly from unauthorized sources. We do not recommend Oculus, but we will follow this new addition and its developments.

  1. Rebirth 2017

As with Exodus, Rebirth 2017 strongly depends on the hacked content and, therefore, is not an add-on, which we recommend. Interestingly, this add-on is offered by several different repositories, most of which are unreliable. Consequently, we strongly recommend that you do not download this add-on.

  1. Uranus

This Kodi Add-on is designed for transferring TV shows and movies directly to your Kodi software. Like most third-party extensions, Uranus extracts these non-official source channels, which do not have the appropriate content licenses. In addition to the legal problems associated with the distribution of these sources depending on the place of residence, there are dangerous problems.

  1. Iron Man

We do not recommend this addition for those who are looking for legitimate streaming features.

  1. Legacy

It also shares the same problems as Exodus. Although there is a lot of content available in this module, very little is available through official channels. We do not recommend this add-on for Kodi users.

  1. The Dog’s Bollocks

It is a Kodi add-on that offers a variety of content. And although there are specific areas in the schedule where YouTube and official websites provide legitimate channels, many documents become illegal. Indeed, some programs are mostly people who use cinemas in cinemas for registration illegally. For this reason we do not recommend The Dog’s Bollocks for Kodi users.

  1. Tombstone

It is an excellent addition. For fans of Western films and TV shows, Tombstone is the only certainty. Although the vast majority of its content comes from correctly legitimate sources, part of what we find here comes from places where copyright is violated. Therefore, we cannot recommend users’ access to Tombstone for content.

  1. Wolf Pack

Unfortunately, Wolf Pack relies heavily on file locks and broadcast sites that violate copyrights. We do not recommend Wolf Pack to watch movies and TV shows.

  1. Little H’s Stuff

This add-on contains the most popular channels and other developer videos. In fact, most of what you find here are fake movie sequences. If the add-on is focused only on the YouTube page, we recommend it. Unfortunately, other content is one that we cannot support to users of Kodi.

  1. Chronos

This Kodi add-on has a bit of everything, with a lot of attention to TV and video. It works well, but it is not designed to provide users with a large number of legally available content.

  1. Midian

It is an exciting addition that is complete with everything you want to see. Most content is entirely legal (live webcams, similar to the famous clips Earth Cam and YouTube). However, more content available through Midian comes from unofficial sources and violates copyrights. If this is not the case, we recommend Midian, but in any case, we do not support it.

Best Kodi TV Programs Add-Ons

  1. USTV Now

It is a service that provides access to television channels. Free USA subscription offers.

  1. iPlayer WWW

This Kodi Add-on takes the content of the iPlayer platform for broadcasting to the BBC. It offers live and on-demand television programs, radio stations and films. iPlayer WWW has the right to use but requires a valid license for television in the UK. Besides, the contents of some regions are blocked. To see from outside the UK, you need to connect the VPN to the UK server.

  1. NewsON

It collects your live broadcasts across all states and shows the regions covered by each station. Streams are quickly downloaded, and even if this is a news app for the United States, it lacks a regional blockade. It means that it can be seen from anywhere in the world.

  1. MeTV

It offers free classic TV shows. As expected, this does not include current programs, but grant access to older shows.

  1. ITV

This Kodi Add-on contains content from the British ITV channels. There are dozens of television programs and several TV channels. Since the BBC locks the contents of the ITV region, you must connect your VPN to the UK server to use the ITV Kodi add-on.

  1. HGTV

It stands for “Home and Garden Television,” and the network offers full episodes of its online programming. These episodes can also be seen in Kodi with the HGTV add-on. There are 17 different shows, all in high definition.

  1. PS Vue

This Add-on will replace the traditional subscription to the cable. Packages start at $ 39 per month and include at least 50 channels. More expensive plans are available, giving access to sports and film channels, and there is no annual contract. You can try it if you find it unfit for use.

Third Party TV Programs Add-Ons

  1. UK Turk Playlists

It is an addition that offers an extensive library of live and on-demand videos. There is free content that you can see, but this supplement comes mostly from unofficial sources. As a result, Kodi users are not allowed to view legitimate video broadcasts.

  1. cCloud TV

It offers live broadcasts and a collection of films on request. Some of these programs come from FilmOn (a legitimate streaming service), but cCloud TV also includes premium channels from unofficial sources. Users of Kodi who want to watch direct TV can directly install the FilmOn application.

  1. Picasso

It offers movies, TV shows, shows and music. However, most of this content is not licensed, which makes Picasso an unacceptable addition to anyone who wants to see content with an official license.

  1. SmoothStreams.TV

It is a streaming service for an invitation only. It provides reliable transmissions, but it is difficult to register. The Kodi SmoothStreams.TV application requires a subscription before you can see any content, so it’s unlikely that it will be useful to most Kodi users.

  1. Quantum

It is another addition to Kodi. It has a vast library of films, television programs, and live broadcasts, but there are very few official licenses. Quantum also includes other third-party extensions, so it’s evident that legitimacy is not the primary goal of the developer.

  1. Quantum Live

It is a bit like its prior Quantum, and it’s hard to understand how to use this add-on. It seems that the sport is connected, but there is little information about what you get or where sources come from. We do not recommend this addition for a variety of reasons, including the lack of legitimate sources of transmission.

  1. Fisherman’s Friend

It offers channels for television programs focused exclusively on the love of fishing. Despite the significant resource, Fisherman’s Friend Feeds is extracted from the popular hacked Open Load website. The add-on developer claims that the channels are available free of charge on the Internet through the web search, but when the channels come from the Open load, they are unlikely to be delivered or received legally.

  1. Watch Episodes

It is an add-on for finding links to famous television episodes and combining them in one place for easy access. However, there is no official source for the media contained in it. That’s why we encourage Kodi users to look elsewhere.

  1. Made in Canada IPTV

For this app users need to install additional add-ons for their work. It increases the risk of hacking, and since this addition has an insufficient set of official channels, it does not help users comply with Kodi’s law.

  1. Falcon Ultra TV

It finds links to live TV channels. Most of these channels are not allowed and are listed alphabetically by country. However, they are not grouped into folders. Since there are so many of them, the only way to quickly find something concrete is to look for Cody.

Best Kodi Sports Add-Ons

  1. MLB.TV

It offers a zone for baseball. You need a subscription to MLB.TV to see the full games, but the highlights and condensed memories can be seen for free. The functionality is fairly simple, with a simple search function by date. It means that you cannot find a specific team or player, but the addition of MLB.TV Kodi is pretty simple, which is not very important.

  1. NHL TV

The addition of NHL TV is almost identical to the addition of MLB.TV, except that it focuses on hockey. However, unlike the MLB add-on, it has an insufficient selection of free content for viewing. The subscription price is $ 19.99 per month, and it is almost necessary to use this module fully.

  1. NBA League Pass

It allows you to see coverage of basketball – live and on demand. It starts at $ 19.99 a month and excludes advertising breaks from games. Some games may be disabled. To view them, you must connect the VPN to the server in the region where the games are broadcast.

  1. NFL Game Pass

You can watch live games and content on demand for the current NFL season with it. No free content is available, and the annual ticket costs 99 dollars. It may sound like a high price, but it costs less than $9 a month, so it’s cheaper than a monthly subscription to the NBA or NHL.

  1. NBC Sports Live Extra

It covers several sports, including boxing, football and NASCAR.

  1. Sportube

It is an Italian sports streaming service, but its free content can be obtained directly from Kodi from the official Sportube supplement. There is a decent library of live and on-demand media, and you do not need to register.

  1. Golden Gloves

Fans of the history of boxing, finally, have an excellent addition to the “Golden Gloves”. Thanks to the Golden Gloves, you can find many old boxing videos from early twentieth-century games; Gold gloves can be found in the Zero Tolerance repository.

Third Party Sports Add-Ons

  1. SportsDevil

It offers live and on-demand sports broadcasts. Some of your channels require the installation of additional peer-to-peer applications, which increases the risk to your system. In addition, there is no search function, so it’s hard to find a specific game.

  1. Rising Tides

It provides access to live sports broadcasts and a small selection of films, but none of them is licensed. Without a search function, finding something specific is a problem.

  1. Planet MMA

It contains a mixture of authorized and unauthorized MMA media. Since most legal documents on YouTube are available for free, we cannot recommend it to Kodi users who are looking for official content.

  1. Pro Sports

It provides live broadcasts of NHL, NFL, NBA and MLB games from Reddit users.

  1. Motor Replays

Most of the content of Motor Replays are available for free on YouTube, but to see Live, and you need to install additional third-party extensions. Each of these programs increases the risk of hacking. Therefore, we do not recommend that Kodi users install or use the add-in to reuse the engine.

  1. Falcon Sport

It is an addition to IPTV. It means that it provides direct television programs, in this case for several sports channels. However, these channels are not allowed, so we do not recommend that Kodi users install or transfer Falcon Sports.

  1. The Loop

In addition to the popular (but now closed) BOB Kodi extension, Loop records sports sequences from different sources. Despite the functionality, we do not recommend The Loop. Unfortunately, the sources are not official and may violate certain copyrights for delivery.

Best Kodi Cartoons and Animations Add-Ons

  1. PBS Kids

It offers on-demand access to several television programs for children in high definition. It is entirely free and legal for its use, and there is no need to register. PBS content is only available in the United States. Therefore, users of Kodi abroad need to connect to an American server to see it.

  1. South Park

It can also be viewed free of charge on the Comedy Central website and can be accessed directly through South Kodi Park. You can search for a specific episode, look for each season separately or watch a random episode.

  1. Funimation Now

It is one of the best official sources of anime. It costs $ 7.95 per month, but there is a 14-day free trial, so you can see if it suits you before you commit it.

  1. Crunchyroll

It is a service that offers the latest animated versions a few hours after the broadcast in Japan. Although its website provides free videos, the Kodi plug-in can only be used by premium members. The subscription price is $ 6.95 per month, but it excludes all ads and allows you to view high-definition transmissions.

  1. Daisuki

It is a combination of anime with subtitles, including One Punch Man and Super Dragon Ball. This content is available online for free or with the addition of Daisuki Kodi, but not for long. Daisuke closes on October 31, 2017, so you must hurry if you want to see its contents.

Third Party Cartoons and Animations Add-Ons

  1. Cartoons8

It is an addition to Kodi, which combines the content of four popular unofficial stations. Two of these sites focus on comics, and the other two offer anime selection.

  1. 9Anime

This add-on contains links to the contents of the 9anime website. It is pretty disorganised, with two categories and a list of genres to choose from. Without searching for a specific topic, it is unlikely that you will find it in other sections.

  1. Bobby’s Cartoons

It offers a selection of cartoons for very young children. It is impossible to find a specific show, but only in two cases, it is not difficult to find what you are looking for.

Best Kodi General Videos Add-Ons

  1. YouTube

Everyone knows YouTube – it’s the biggest platform for video sharing on the Internet. Kodi Add-on YouTube retains most of the features of the site and gives you access to your video games, video games and channels.

  1. Reddit Viewer

This add-on collects the contents of a list of custom subsets and shows them directly to Kodi. It also allows you to quickly capture a video of a particular Reddit user’s story. You cannot increase content, but Reddit Viewer is a good compromise between using Kodi and using Reddit directly.

  1. Ted Talks

TED conferences are the speeches of renowned speakers on different topics. These lectures are free and can be viewed by TED Talks Kodi Add-on. This supplement contains hundreds of hours of inspiring and informative conversations for almost all viewers.

  1. Beats.HD

Like Alive.HD, Beats.HD focuses solely on the live performances of DJs. The channels come directly from YouTube and are an excellent legal choice for musicians.

  1. SG Box Music

The Zero Tolerance repository is gold ore for content, including the addition of the SG Music Box Kodi. Here you can find good music for free, especially on YouTube. You will also find a good karaoke, perfect for your next party.

Third Party General Videos Add-Ons

  1. The Red Pill

It gathers material from five shows, including completely legal movies. While unsuccessful streaming sites show a lot of results, Red Pill in Snagfilms does not find results. As a result, this module is not suitable for Kodi users who are searching for legal content sources.

  1. VOD on YouTube

After the request, videos on YouTube display links to YouTube content and categorise them. These supplements, as a rule, have a darker content about hacking, serial killers and conspiracies, although it offers cartoons, it’s not very suitable for families.

  1. Ultimate Whitecream

It is a third party add-on that combines content from various adult websites. Much of this content has not been confirmed correctly, and although it still works, the email address has just been removed from the SMASH repository for another name, XXX-O-Dus.

Best Kodi Miscellaneous Add-Ons

  1. Plex

It is a media centre similar to Kodi. The Plex application allows you to directly transfer content from another Plex device to a Kodi application running on another system. With the added Plex, you can combine the benefits of Kodi and Plex without having to choose from them.

  1. Trakt

It is an online service that controls the media. When using the Kodi route. This add-on automatically adds movies and TV shows that you saw in your tracking profile. So you can easily find the last episode that you saw, even if you use Kodi on another device.

  1. ZT Fitness

It is an excellent addition for those who need only educational videos. You will find videos for cardio, general education, healthy cooking recipes and much more.

Third Party Miscellaneous Add-Ons

  1. Indigo

It was formerly known as Fusion. Indigo is an add-on that allows you to install add-ins and perform maintenance tasks similar to Master Ares. However, since the TV extensions were dropped with the new expansion policy with centralized management, they only include functions without adding. Indigo also has an area dedicated to Kodi skins, so this is a good option for those who want to change the way Kodi is presented without installing assemblies.

  1. MetalliQ

It is a Kodi add-on that makes it easy to find specific songs when installing multiple add-ons. Instead of looking for one film in each add-on, you can find it in MetalliQ and find out what add-ons it offers. MetalliQ can be combined with Trakt or Last.fm to track previously downloaded movies, TV shows and music.

Best Kodi Maintenance Add-Ons

  1. Area Wizard

This Add-on is in fact the leader of Kodi Add-ons. You can install Area Wizard with additional versions alongside the registration and installation.

  1. Smash Wizard

It is a well-known member of the Kodi community. Although Smash does not develop any add-ons, it supports a repository and a wizard that includes many add-ons for most third-party service providers. It is a useful tool for solving basic and complex maintenance tasks for Kodi.

  1. ECHO Wizard

This add-on comes from the Echo Coder developer plug-in. Echo Coder refused to develop Kodi Add-ons in 2017 after a recent round of anti-piracy action by content providers. You can find an ECHO helper in some repositories, including Kodi Repo.

  1. Supreme Builds Wizard

This Wizard is for those who want to solve some common Kodi buffering problems. It has a long list of useful tools. You can perform actions to clean or expand the cache before creating backup files to install Kodi.

Final Verdict

Now that you know the 100 best Kodi add-ons for 2018, are you ready for the hours of entertainment and current events?

We hope that this article helped you. If so, you can share it with other Kodi users through social networks and have fun!


Enjoy a mix of great videos and music services from around the world with our listed add-ons and tell us how you liked it. If we miss one, let us know, and we will add it to the countdown.

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